Tuesday, June 5, 2012



engaged: promès
estate: finca
feed on: alimentar-se de
outskirts: als afores
drag: arrossegar
duty: deure
no offence: no s'ofengui
straight away: ara amteix
frighten: espantar
nightmare:mal somni


Jonathan Harker, a young notary, goes to Transylvania to negociate a sale with Count Dracula. It doesn't take him long to discover his host's terrible secret:Dracula is a vampire that goes out at noght to quench his thirst for human blood.
When he arrives in England, Dracula chooses as his victim Lucy, who is a friend of Mina, Jonathan's fiancée. Lucy bleeds to death.
Will jonathan Harker, Mina and the condescending professor Van Helsing manage to defeat the vampire?The novel appears as a dossier of letters and parts of the diaries of each of the differents characters.

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